Diana Wedding Dress | Diana Wedding Dresses | Diana Wedding Dress Designer | Princess Diana Wedding Dress

Written By Unknown on Saturday, April 30, 2011 | 4:15 AM

Lady Diana Wedding Dress
Lady Diana Wedding Dress
If you decide to become a pirate bride is now up to you to dress the part. Are you a first look at the clothes of the time the pirates as a starting point. Well-heeled bride wears sophisticated clothes that are often one or corset lacing, and was made of silk or damask with puffy sleeves trimmed with lace on both sleeves and bodice. You can go back and look at the stunning gowns worn by Princess Diana at her wedding to get a good idea for this particular style. Also, the color is entirely up to you. Dress your bridesmaids in a simpler version and add the corset effect.

Princess Diana Wedding Dresses
Princess Diana Wedding Dresses
Dressing the groom can be a lot of fun with a pirate theme. Pirates wearing bright colors such as burgundy or royal purple knee and shirts with puffy sleeves with muslin reinforced cuff and dripping with lace. Then a black belt decorated with large gold buckle and black boots to her knees outcome. Watch this Gothic style with a black hat decorated with Tricorn electrifying red or purple feathers and the groom wore a gold hoop earrings and gold necklaces. Finally, you can add a black eye patch for a dazzling finish. Have your groomsmen dress like pirates in a small dark clothes, after all, the groom is the protagonist.

Princess Diana Wedding Dress Photos
Princess Diana Wedding Dress Photos
If you really want to pirate style, sending invitations made to look like a ransom note or treasure map to encourage visitors to your wedding. You can also ask them to wear old clothing world if he wants. when we dress and groom and sent out invitations, it's time to dress the wedding party. Drape the tables in red cloth and give your guests wine stoppers, bottle openers, or letters boxed in a miniature treasure chest. Finally, either party! It offers its guests a tin plates and cups and let them choose from a wide variety of foods, including lobster, coconut shrimp, fresh salads, tropical fruits, grilled chicken and baked bread, washed down with various champagne, liqueurs, whiskey and soda.

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Blog, Updated at: 4:15 AM