London Wedding | London Wedding Cakes | London Wedding Dresses | London Wedding Photos

Written By Unknown on Thursday, April 28, 2011 | 8:54 AM

London Wedding Venues
London Wedding Venues
For those who are planning to join the celebrations for the royal wedding of King London, can look forward to having an experience once-in-a-lifetime. London is never easy in the pocket of the city to visit, so if you have not started already, you should start investigating the possibility of hotels in London immediately. A vacation package can be a smart move for this visit, although it has been a frequent traveler to London in the past.

London Wedding Invitations
London Wedding Invitations
Parties will be held in various hotels and bars in London during the royal wedding. If you want to celebrate in the streets, you are free to do so. If you like something inside the house, ask your hotel about areas of places nearby. To enjoy your beer late at night, bars are open later than usual on April 29 and 30. All time favorite memories are plates, cups and towels, and many others with Kate and William, overlooking them. Places to shop for souvenirs to commemorate not only the favorite of London such as Harrods and Selfridges, but hundreds of stores across the city of London and the UK.

London Wedding Dress
London Wedding Dress
If you really want to be involved in the celebrations, Visit London is launching a multi-national competition from March 1 to 31 in the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom. Winners have the opportunity to enjoy the festival-style street in London, buffet with a classic English-size cardboard cutouts of the royal couple, furniture, tableware and games, all ports shipped. In addition to the street party, residents in the United Kingdom will also be able to win a different prize every day until the end of April in dotcom Visit London where a "competition cake" will be revealed. The royal wedding in London is a good excuse for choosing London as their holiday destination this year's Royal. After the festivities, you can enjoy the sights of London, Royal and Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Kensington Palace and Hampton Court Palace.

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Blog, Updated at: 8:54 AM